Monday, March 14, 2011

Electric Power and Tokyo

There is much talk about the rolling blackouts in the Tokyo area.

From one FB post,

"Daily demand is 41GW and TEPCO supply can be 31GW, then we need 10GW to be saved. Save Electricity!"

TEPCO - Tokyo Electric Power Company

This is a huge reduction in electricity use for a major metropolitan area like Tokyo and N. Japan.

From another post,

"Electric power in east area of Japan will be cut off on purpose due to shortage. 
The area where I live will blackout during 6:20-10:00am and 6:50-8:30pm."

An example of what universities are doing to comply,

"As you might know, due to power shortage, we'll have *scheduled* power
outage for while.

We'll turn off servers accordingly.

For tomorrow SFC campus will not have power in


06:20 - 10:00 21:20 - 01:00
16:50 - 20:30 07:50 - 11:30

We also don't have power in other campus, so we might have problem in
connectivity, too.


09:20 - 13:00 00:20 - 04:00
18:20 - 22:00 09:20 - 13:00"

This type of disruption will have a major economic effect on areas where there was little earthquake damage. I do not think this is being considered when investment analysts make projections on the financial impact of the earthquake.

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